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Italian Imported Billboard Prices Rise, Vietnamese and Indonesian Sellers Leave


Recently, due to strong bullish sentiment among Asian suppliers, especially Chinese suppliers, prices of imported Italian slabs have risen. The current transaction price for imported slabs from Italy is 570-585 US dollars per ton of CFR, compared to the transaction price of 570 US dollars per ton of CFR in early April.

At present, the lowest quotation for slab from China is $590 per ton of CFR, with some quotations as high as $600-615 per ton of CFR. A JSH780Y steel buyer source revealed that the JSH780Y steel quotation from the slab supplier has followed the increase in iron ore prices. Vietnamese and Indonesian slab suppliers briefly withdrew from the market after completing slab export orders to Italy and Latin America in early April, and are expected to return to the market from June to July. It is estimated that in the new round of sales, the transaction price of JSH780Y steel coil making slabs from Vietnam will be around $580 per ton of CFR. As of the time of publication, we have not yet heard of slab quotations from Russia.

  • Source: Abstract
  • Editor: Shirley

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